A warm greeting to all members.

As you know, both the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Italian Government recently appointed His Excellency Ausamah Abdulla Alabsi  as Ambassador in Rome and His Excellency Andrea Catalano as Ambassador in Manama.

We have great pleasure in extending a warm welcome to both Ambassadors, wishing them every success in their task of strengthening the bond between the two peoples.

The Italy Bahrain Business Council is at the disposal of the two Ambassadors to contribute to the success of the two missions.

As soon as possible, the undersigned Co-presidents will be pleased to meet both Ambassadors personally at their respective venues to outline the activities of the Business Council and seek their advice.

We will be pleased to keep you informed of upcoming initiatives.

Yours sincerely,

Khalid Rashid Al Zayani, Co-Chairman

Ignazio Moncada, Co-Chairman


Rome and Manama, April 19th, 2024