Dear Members,

2024 marked the departure of their Excellencies Ambassadors Amadei and Al Belooshi on completion of their mission. These two extraordinary diplomats have furnished a significant contribution to developing relationships between Italy and Bahrain. It is our duty and also our pleasure to recall that Her Excellency Ambassador Amadei and His Excellency Ambassador Al Belooshi had the idea of setting up our BC and have furnished a significant contribution to the success of this initiative. Both Ambassadors have contributed to fostering closer cultural, economic and scientific relationships between the people of our two countries and we are very grateful and beholden to them.

As reaffirmed November last in Manama, we intend to organize two events this year, the first in Rome and the second in Bahrain.  In the first half of the year, we intend to organize a one-day event with debate and B2B meetings in the Health Care sector.  While in the second half of the year, we will organize an event with the same format, in Manama or possibly in Italy, focused on bilateral investments and the advantages of Islamic finance.

As regards the other activities of the BC, it seems more appropriate to wait until the two new Anbassadors take up their posts and hear their opinions.

Kindest regards,


Khalid Rashid Al Zayani, Co-Chairman

Ignazio Moncada, Co-Chairman


Rome and Manama, 1st March  2024